
Skin Disorders Can Vary From Person To Person Depending On Genetics, Allergies, Life Style And Sun Damage
The itching, the scratching, the scarring. Traditional medications are just not cutting it for you. The answer to all your problems is in a simple visit to a compounder.
Compounding medications can be useful when trying to individualize a treatment. Customizing a specific formula can make a difference. Dermatology includes skin diseases, skin care, anit-aging and beauty aids, acne, and even keeping hair and nails Healthy.
Compounding pharmacists have to ability to create formulated combinations of medications that are most suitable for individualized patients with differing conditions and reactions. Medications can be created in forms such as topical creams, lotions, solutions, and other mediums.
Equipment available in a compounding lab allows pharmacist to formulate topical preparations just as a dermatologists orders. At times, a dermatologist may order special combinations to meet a patients needs. Pharmacists review these orders and use their prior knowledge and experience to make sure that all ordered drugs in the prescription combine adequately to give the patient his/her desired results.
Universal Arts Pharmacy is more than equipped to offer you quick and quality care for any dermatological concern.
PracaSil-Plus Scar Gel Shows Promise For Unsightly Scars
Let us compound your specific scar gel formula. It is individualized for each patient's unique needs. A doctor will decide what other ingredients to mix into the PracaSil Plus Gel.
- PracaSil Plus Scar Gel CASE STUDY:Third Degree Burns
- PracaSil Plus Scar Gel CASE STUDY:Ulcer Wound
- PracaSil Plus Scar Gel CASE STUDY:Radiation Burn
Always consult with your doctor for the most appropriate treatment options for you. Contact us for information and/or a referral to a doctor near you.
Compounded* Methoxsalen Lotion
Available by prescription only. It can be customized in a variety of different strengths.
*due to shortage
Compounding Prescription Nutriceuticals For Mature Skin:
UltraDerm Cosmeceutical Skin Care:
- A Powerful, Cell Energizing, Repairing and Antioxidant Nutrient Complex
- An elegant yet durable base, which stimulates the skin’s natural moisturizing barriers
- UltraDerm is oil free, non-comedogenic, hypoallergenic, non-irritating, and pH balanced to your skin
- Creams can be custom made according to your doctor's preference and may help with melasma, dark pigmentation or spots. These creams can be made to include the following ingredients: Hydroquinone, Retinoic Acid, hydro cortisone, Kojic Acid, Lactic Acid, and Azelaic acid.
Potential Dermatology Compounding Areas
- Acne formulations
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- Sunburn
- Baldness
- Anti-fungals
- Wrinkle creams
- Anti-oxidant aging creams/gels
- Fever blister meds
- Wart meds
- Skin bleaching creams
- Plant irritations
- Viral infections
- Scarring